
This plugin provides methods to get references to the host iframe element from within the iframe, and to get a window/document reference for a specified iframe.



From a document within an iframe, you can get a jQuery object containing the iframe:

    var $iframe = $(document).hostIframe();

This may be useful if you want information about the iframe, e.g. the dimensions:

    var width = $(document).hostIframe().width();


You can get a reference from the iframe element to the document inside it:

    // Get the URL of the iframe's document, which may be different from that of the iframe's src property
    var iframeUrl = $("iframe").iframeDocument()[0].location.href


You can get a reference from the iframe element to the window inside it:

    // Post a message to the iframe's window using skinny.js's $.postMessage() plugin
    $("iframe").iframeWindow().postMessage("hi there", "http://www.foo.com");