
A class that implements an observable event.

This is useful when jQuery custom events aren’t appropriate because there’s no DOM element involved.

This is implemented as a thin wrapper on jQuery.Callbacks().


Here’s a simple class Car that exposes the event ondrive:

    var Car = function() {
        $.CustomEvent.create(this, "ondrive");
        this.drive = function() {
            // TODO some driving implementation

A consumer of Car could observe the event:

    var car = new Car();
    car.ondrive.add(function() { alert("my car is driving!"); });

We can also customize the event object that is passed to observers:

    var Car = function() {
        $.CustomEvent.create(this, "ondrive");
        this.drive = function(speed) {
            // Data will be passed to handlers via the event object
            this.ondrive.fire({ speed: speed }); 

    var car = new Car();
    car.ondrive.add(function(e) { alert("my car is driving at " + e.speed + "mph!"); });

The event object passed to handlers of jQuery.CustomEvent is a jQuery.Event, and is also returned from jQuery.CustomEvent.fire(). This is useful if you want to use jQuery.Event’s methods, such as preventDefault() and isDefaultPrevented() to allow observers to influence the behavior of the object.

    var Car = function() {
        $.CustomEvent.create(this, "ondrive");
        this.drive = function() {
            var evt = this.ondrive.fire(); 
            if (evt.isDefaultPrevented()) {
                // Stop driving!!!