// Creating a rich text editor with default initial values ($.Arte.configuration.initialValues)
// Creating a rich text editor with options
var options = {
styles: {
"font-weight": "bold",
"font-size": "16px"
classes: ["arte-class1", "arte-class2"],
value: "This is <span style='color: green'>new</span> value"
// Construct the text area
// The following takes a set of matched elements and convert them to rich text editors
// Once a rich text editor is created, any rich text method can now be executed as the following
$(selector).Arte("methodName", parameter1, parameter2, ...);
// Alternatively, a method can be applied to an Arte instance directly like this
var editorInstances = $(selector).Arte();
this.methodName(parameter1, parameter2);
// or like this
editorInstances.get(0).methodName(parameter1, parameter2);
// One way to invoke methods
$(selector).Arte("bold"); // make the selection bold
$(selector).Arte("fontSize", "12px"); // set the fontsize of the selection to 12px
// Another way
// Many rich text commands can be applied using a tagName, style and class.
// For example, the bold command be applied as either:
// a style (font-weight), a class (.font-weight), or as HTML tags (b or strong).
// ArteJS allows us to choose how a rich text command is applied using the following mechanisms:
// 1) Supplying the command attribute type in the command options:
// ({commandAttrType = "styleName" | "className" | "tagName"})
// 2) Inferring the command attribute type from the values in the options: ({className = "..."})
// 3) Using the default command attribute type specified in the configuration file:
// (Arte.configuration.commandAttrType)
// ArteJS configuration allows setting the commandAttrType globally or per command.
// For the commands that can only be applied one way (e.g. H1, BlockQuotes, etc.),
// the commandAttrType is ignored.
// Bold is applied based on the global configuration
// Override the global configuration to apply bold using B or Strong tags
$(selector).Arte("bold", { tagName: "B" });
$(selector).Arte("bold", { tagName: "STRONG" });
// Override the global configuration to apply bold using a className
$(selector).Arte("bold", { className: "arte-font-weight-bold" });
// Apply the command using the styleName
$(selector).Arte("bold", { styleName: "font-weight", styleValue: "bold" });
// ArteJS allows getting the innerValue or the outerValue (like outerHTML) of the editor
// Get the value of a rich text editor
var value = $(selector).Arte("value");
// Set the value of a rich text editor
$(selector).Arte("value", "This can be any <b>valid</b> html fragment.");
$(selector).Arte("value", "<div style='font-weight: bold'>This can only be a " +
"<span style='font-weight: bold'>single html element</span> </div>");
// Get an array of the outerHTML of all rich text editors associated with this selector
var outerValues = $(selector).Arte("outerValue");
// Suppose we want to ensure that only valid values are used in rich text commands
// (e.g. a whitelist for font-size and font-family)
// or we need to translate some command values (e.g. convert color from CMYk to RGB).
// This can be achieved by listening to the `onbeforecommand` event
$("#editor").Arte("on", {
"onbeforecommand": function (e, data) {
switch (data.commandName) {
case "fontSize":
switch (data.commandValue) {
// Translate the commandValue to a valid fontSize
case "Big font":
data.commandValue = "50px";
case "Small font":
data.commandValue = "5px";
case "fontFamily":
// If font name is not whitelisted, don't execute the command
data.execute = false;
// Basic template for a plugin
(function(pluginManager) {
// plugin internals
var property;
function pluginMethod() { }
// Public methods
$.extend($.Arte.TextArea.prototype, {
publicMethodA: function{},
publicMethodB: pluginMethod
var myPlugin = function () {
return {
init: function (textArea) {
// any setup or listen to textArea events
// Register this plugin with the plugin manager
pluginManager.register("myPlugin", myPlugin);
A few plugin examples.
// The toolbar allows setting the display value and actual value that is applied to text
// Note that the values need to be set according to the commandAttrType configuration
// Here are a few examples of setting the styles:
// Simply apply the font-size
$.Arte.Toolbar.configuration.buttons.fontSize.options = ["", 8, 10, 12, 15, 20];
// Example of the display value being different from the actual value
$.Arte.Toolbar.configuration.buttons.fontSize.options = [
{ display: "", value: "" },
{ display: "Smaller", value: 8 },
{ display: "Small", value: 10 },
{ display: "Medium", value: 12 },
{ display: "Large", value: 15 },
{ display: "Larger", value: 20 }
// Example where the actual value is the name of the class to be applied
$.Arte.Toolbar.configuration.buttons.fontSize.options = [
{ display: "", value: "" },
{ display: "Smaller", value: "arte-font-weight-8" },
{ display: "Small", value: "arte-font-weight-10" },
{ display: "Medium", value: "arte-font-weight-12" },
{ display: "Large", value: "arte-font-weight-15" },
{ display: "Larger", value: "arte-font-weight-20" }