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Tiny, focused libraries

Querystring, URL, and CSS string parsing, cross-browser postMessage(), fast coordinates, enable/disable events, HTML encoding, custom events, and more...

UI widgets without the fat

Get modal dialogs and menus that are responsive, powerful, and lightweight, and don't require a gigantic framework.

Browser compatibility

skinny.js libraries work on IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Android 4.4+, iOS 7+, and all other modern browsers.

Skinny libraries

  • date-parse: Polyfill for Date.parse to ensure support for ISO 8601 dates. Also provides support for Microsoft JSON format dates.
  • jQuery.breakpoints: Defines breakpoints and assigns CSS classes to elements based on the element's size (unlike media queries, which can only use the browser window's size)
  • jQuery.clientRect: Gets element coordinates several orders of magnitude more efficiently than
  • jQuery.cookies: Practically oriented cookie management
  • jQuery.css: Parses and serializes CSS style strings
  • jQuery.customEvent: A class that implements an observable event, useful for cases where there’s no DOM element involved.
  • jQuery.delimitedString: Base class for parsing delimited strings, such as querystrings or CSS styles
  • jQuery.disableEvent: Temporarily disables/enables all event handlers for a DOM element
  • jQuery.hostIframe: Manages references between iframe content and their host window
  • jQuery.hoverDelay: Simplified, more practical version of jQuery.hoverIntent plugin.
  • jQuery.htmlEncode: Bare bones HTML encoding
  • jQuery.imageSize: Some utilities for dealing with image sizes, async loading, and fitting images to a bounding box
  • jQuery.isVisibleKeyCode: Extension to jQuery.Event which indicates if a keypress is a visible character (i.e. not a function or modifier key)
  • jQuery.msAjax: Microsoft friendly AJAX. Handles the quirks of ASMX, WCF, DataJsonContractSerializer, Microsoft’s JSON date format, and provides an interface identical to jQuery.ajax().
  • jQuery.ns: Declare namespaces without boilerplate
  • jQuery.partialLoad: Works like jQuery.load, but is more intelligent about executing downloaded scripts (i.e. don’t re-run scripts that are already loaded)
  • jQuery.pointerEvents: Pointer event polyfill, works on all browsers down to IE6.
  • jQuery.pointerGestures: Gesture library based on pointer events.
  • jQuery.postMessage: Provides cross-document messaging support, works on all browsers to IE6 (without URL fragments and polling).
  • jQuery.proxyAll: Binds functions to their host object (like jQuery.proxy(), but for all functions declared as properties of an object at once)
  • jQuery.queryString: Parses querystrings (the opposite of jQuery.param())
  • jQuery.scrollAnchor: Smooth scrolling support for anchor elements with internal references
  • jQuery.uncomment: Allows lazy evaluation of HTML blobs by removing them from comment blocks
  • jQuery.url: Parses and serializes URLs.

Skinny UI components

  • A traditional hierarchical menu widget, designed from the ground up to be both touch and mouse friendly.
  • jQuery.modalDialog: A powerful modal dialog system that works across all devices.
  • jQuery.tutorialOverlay: An overlay to point out key interface elements on the screen


Skinny.js is open-source under the Apache 2 license.


The libraries that comprise skinny.js were written at Vistaprint.

Vistaprint empowers more than 15 million micro businesses and consumers annually with affordable, professional options to make an impression. With a unique business model supported by proprietary technologies, high-volume production facilities, and direct marketing expertise, Vistaprint offers a wide variety of products and services that micro businesses can use to expand their business. A global company, Vistaprint employs over 4,100 people, operates more than 25 localized websites globally and ships to more than 130 countries around the world. Vistaprint’s broad range of products and services are easy to access online, 24 hours a day at